Unlike many gimmicky and fad diets out there, this is a plan rooted in how our bodies are actually wired to be healthy.With an empasis on getting healthy instead of losing pounds, the end result is incredible transformation with a new lease on life and a maintainable weight loss!I was one of the Season 3 Biggest Loser at home contestants who had nothing but Dr. Huizenga's WOW Prescription to reach my ideal weight; no trainers, no gym equipment, no fairy tale weight loss ranch.I followed his advice and guidance to the letter and over the course of eight months I lost 176 pounds (see my transformation at www.MatthewMcNutt.com).I've read his book and am overwhelmed at how he has successfully captured on paper the plan that has helped five seasons (and counting) of Biggest Loser contestants lose the weight - and it can be done all at home, like I and 35 others demonstrated in season three with the at home competition!Unlike many weight loss books, Huizenga has woven the stories of the 36 at home participants through out the book, using our examples, questions and experiences to illustrate how to implement his plan.Rather than just tell the reader what to do, he demonstrates that it is possible in the real world.Not only that, it makes for an enjoyable read!Besides giving a behind the scenes look at how the contestants actually lose the weight at such a dramatic pace on the Biggest Loser Ranch, he communicates a sense of hope and possibility that many of us have lost sight of.Without a doubt, there is someone in the book that each reader can identify with and find an inspiration with.I absolutely recommened this book; it has literally saved my life.
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Where Did All the Fat Go: The WOW Prescription to Reach Your Ideal Weight--and Stay There : Lose Fat - Gain Muscle (Hardcover)Product Description: FROM THE DOCTOR BEHIND THE HIT NBC TV SHOW THE BIGGEST LOSER, Where Did All the Fat Go? The WOW! Prescriptionto Reach Your Ideal Weight - and Stay There! is filled with nutrition and exercise facts -- including menus, recipes, illustrated instructions for new exercises, and fact-based inspiration from Dr. Huizenga -- to help readers lose fat, not muscle, as they achieve their weight goal (WOW! weight).
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