My personal testimony:I am 6' 2" tall and 35 years old. My weight has been over 250lbs for the last few years.But I have a large frame, and my body type is primarily mesomorphic, with a strong endomorphic influence.This means I have a good deal of muscle mass and definition, but have also always carried a significant amount of fat. Anyway, my BMI was about 31 and my body fat was over 30%.
That is technically obese, though I neither felt nor looked it.I would tell people how much I weighed, and they never would believe me.
So I carried the fat well, thus I didn't particularly care. I idly thought about doing something about it.I bought the main book of this series (to which this book is a supplement) last year, but it sat on my shelf collecting dust.
Until two months ago.On March 2nd 2006, I went to the doctor's for my checkup.I got on the scale.It tipped.263lbs.Then my blood pressure: 200/100.That's right.200/100.Nice round numbers.I've had slightly high blood pressure for years.Always 140/80 or less.Nothing too dramatic.This new reading blew my mind.I wasn't scared, just astonished.I had it taken again that afternoon, and it came out at 169/90.I was officially suffering from hypertension.
The old clich?d wake-up call.I had been eating a lot.Not poorly, I hardly ever eat junk or processed food.But richly.Lots of cheese, desserts, bread, salt, sugar, second and third portions... no breakfasts.And wine.And gin & tonic.Andbourbon.All very yummy stuff.
I was - to put it bluntly - a fat gluttonous hypertensive lush.
I went home that evening and resolved to change. I took the main book of this series off the shelf, and read it. I went out and bought a small notebook, which I christened my food journal.I recorded everything I put in my mouth for about a month.I began simultaneously phasing the principles in this book into my life.
I eat five small meals a day, 3 or at the most 4 hours apart.Each & every food choice is a deliberate one.I make the best possible choices I can, every time, knowing that each thing I put in my mouth is making me healthier and leaner.I've stopped drinking alcohol & most other caloried drinks all together.I bought a blender and have begun drinking smoothies.I eat loads of good, substantive food. Tasty food.Whole grains.Vegetables, berries & fruit.Nuts.Lean proteins- fish, chicken & beef jerky.Healthy fats like olive oil and avocado paste.
And my bodyfat has simply melted - metabolized - inexorably away. Very gracefully. I counted calories, protein, carb & fat percentages for a few weeks (which this plan does not recommend, but I felt was important for me, just so I could get a sense of what I was eating) - but did no formal exercise at all.I have been active - walking a lot (I always take stairs, do a lot of yard & house work, etc.) but have not gone out of my way to exert myself. No running.No lifting. None.
It's been just over two months on the plan. I've bought a very good scale and blood pressure monitor, and have kept daily track of my progress.
Today is May 11th, 2006.I weighed in this morning at 231 lbs.That's a loss of 32lbs, to date. My blood pressure is 127/80.It hasn't been over - or even really near 140/90 - in weeks.I'm still losing fat at a rate of about two pounds a week.I can feel my body burning it away. I feel so much better - almost euphoric at times. And I'm eating all the time. Several small portions of simple but tasty food, every three hours or so. I drink water and lightly sweetened iced tea all day. I am rarely hungry, and when I am it means it is time to eat.
I am not doing this for aesthetic reasons, but people have noticed - particularly girls - and I got to admit it's gratifying. When I finally cut my six-pack - which I expect to do by the around the end of the summer, with a little exercise - it is going to be sweet. I still have about 30lbs of fat to lose.
So, this is the deal: if you want to know how burn fat without destroying your metabolism and losing muscle, buy this series. It will require significant permanent changes in your life, probably, but the results will more than compensate.You will like what you eat, you won't starve, and you will lose fat and become healthier. It is win win win, requiring just a bit of self-awareness & discipline. Anybody can do it.
This book - almost a booklet, really - is the core of the plan.It details the dietary rules, and provides very quick & simple, good tasting recipes. I would say that you could buy this, and not bother with the other, main book and you'd have all the information you need. This book has far more recipes, and all the essential nutrition information.It's also much smaller, and so very portable - easily slipped into a glove compartment, book bag, purse, or even pocket.What it doesn't have is the workout plan.But the workout is secondary.Nutrition is over 80% of the game here.
Upshot:Buy them both, but this is to my mind the more helpful of the two.
So go, learn the principles & eat with deliberation.You will not regret it.Good luck.
Addendum: November 13, 2006:
After a summer of partial laxity during which I hovered in the low 230's (never exercising, and thus not cutting that six pack) I re- engaged fully in August, began sporadically exercising and lost another fifteen pounds, weighing in now c. 218 lbs.I've been lifting three days a week the last three weeks- the differance has been pretty immediate & dramatic.
This plan really is simple, and easy.Like I say, simple good choices, consistently made.Your reality today is just an accumulation of millions of choices.Make 90% of them well, and you will get good results.Forgive yourself for your failures, choose to be decisively slack, re- affirm your goals, and you will progress.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Abs Diet Eat Right Every Time Guide (Paperback)
Product Description:
Smart Eating Choices - Made Simple!
TENS OF THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS HAVE CHANGED THEIR BODIES - AND THEIR LIVES - with the help of The Abs Diet, the New York Times bestseller from David Zinczenko, editor-in-chief of Men's Health magazine.
The principles of The Abs Diet are simple: Eat more healthy food - six delicious meals a day - and crowd out the bad stuff that's making you fat. The Abs Diet has been proven to strip off 10, 15, even 20 pounds of flab - from your belly first - in six weeks or less.
Now, Zinczenko makes eating smart and healthy easy with this eye opening portable weight-loss manual, THE ABS DIET EAT RIGHT EVERY TIME GUIDE. This on-the-go guide pinpoints the foods you should choose to burn away belly fat no matter where you are - at home, in the supermarket, even at the fast-food counter. And it reveals the hidden killers that are adding inches to your waistline and taking years off your life!
Discover these amazing weight-loss secrets:
Should you toast a bagel or an English muffin? Did you know that making the wrong choice will cost you 150 extra calories?
What's healthier - a bean burrito or a taco salad? Would you believe the healthy salad will pile 130 more calories onto your plate?
Which will make you fatter - a Whopper or a Big Mac? You'll be stunned to discover the shocking truth!
Learn why a hot fudge sundae is a treat you should eat, why potato chips are better for you than french fries, and why Swiss cheese is three times healthier than Cheddar.
You don't have time for complicated plans or fancy recipes. In THE ABS DIET EAT RIGHT EVERY TIME GUIDE, Zinczenko tells you how to strip away belly fat in every situation - from the frozen food aisle to the deli, from a five-star restaurant to the drive-thru. On-the-go eating doesn't have to end up on your gut.
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