To answer the first question one has to go no further than reading one of two books. Upon reading one of those books the open minded reader has no other rational conclusion to draw than the fact that everyone is unique and therefore there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The two books are Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Price and Biochemical Individuality by Roger Williams.
The answer to the second question can be found by looking to see who has researched all of the available data on customized
nutrition and put together a program that the average person can follow.William Wolcott is by far the leading authority on
customized nutrition. He has read all of the recent discoveries and has also read what the pioneers in the field have written. In
addition, he studied under William Kelley (a pioneer in the field of customized nutrition). He has come up with the most
intelligible, comprehensive system available today for people to discover their metabolic type.
I am sure by now you are trying to reconcile the conflicting reviews on the book. Some criticize the book for lacking science or evidence for what is said in the book. Others say the book is excellent. I think a great deal of confusion lies in the assumption that his critics are making regarding the book's intended audience. His intended audience in the book is the masses of people in America. Those masses typically aren't very analytical or scientifically minded. If he had written the book to the scientifically minded he would have alienated a much larger audience, the average American. When I first read his book I was relieved to find that it was so easily understandable to a layperson. Yet when I dug deeper into William Wolcott and his organization Heathexcel I found the tremendous amount of science behind his work was second to none.
I highly recommend this book and believe the information in it to be absolutely life changing. If I had to choose this book or any other ten books combined on the subject of diet I would choose this book hands down. The book is worth every penny you will pay for it and more importantly it is worth the time you will invest reading it. There is more information on his web site
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Metabolic Typing Diet: Customize Your Diet to Your Own Unique Body Chemistry [Paperback]
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