No More Excuses! focuses on a simple concept:If you eat fewer calories and burn more calories, you will lose weight.The book then moves on to helping you reorganize your life so you will make eating the right foods and exercising regularly a priority.I found those parts of the book to be excellent.For people who have an easy time losing weight when they focus on it, this book will be very helpful.
The book is weak on its diet advice, however.Beyond cutting calories, you are told to stick to "low fat."That's good as far as it goes.I used to be able to lose weight that way, too.But after 53, it didn't work any more.I could diet on low fat and exercise until the cows came home and not much happened.
The South Beach Diet was a revelation for me.I had often either avoided high glycemic foods or high fat foods, but never both at the same time.The South Beach Diet has you do both.The weight melted off me faster and easier than ever.I realized that even when I ate healthy foods (such as carrots and nectarines) I was eating high glycemic foods.So I had my insulin levels all messed up so that I couldn't burn fat very well.So if you are having trouble losing weight even with a restricted diet and exercise, the right diet does matter . . . in spite of what this book suggests.
As for exercise, the book is strangely weak in that area.You are advised to have a gym instructor set up a program for you or to get a personal trainer.The last time I had a gym instructor help me, the person didn't know anything about what I wanted to train for.I called a dozen personal trainers, and they didn't know anything either.So you probably need a book that helps you decide "what" exercise to do to supplement this as well.
With those two caveats, this book is a welcome addition to the literature for how to control weight while juggling all those professional and family balls in the air.
Good luck with meeting your weight, health and fitness goals!
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Product Description:
When you are tired of fad-diets and failing at weight loss,you are ready for No More Excuses
* Have you tried more than 5 diets?
* Have you started a new plan with the excitement of a child at Christmas, only to abandon that same plan within 10 days?
* Have you ever achieved weight loss, only to regain that weight?
* Do you glance at magazines that promise a new diet that "guarantees" results?
* Have you purchased more than 10 books on health and exercise?
If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, this book is for you.
Author and Personal Trainer/Lifestyle Coach Susan Cantwell (often called the "Simon of Fitness") wont offer you false promises, crazy solutions or restricted eating plans. Through exercises, case studies and no-nonsense advice, Cantwell will show you why your previous attempts have failed-but more importantly, she will equip you with the tools you need for success. By following Cantwell's program, you will experience a profound shift of your internatal motivation, which is the key to producing external results.
Writing with clarity and over 15 years of coaching experience, Cantwell takes the mystery out of working toward permanent, healthy lifestyle change. On your journey, you'll meet "The Excuse Exorcist" and even be challenged to create the best "excuse collection" (which you can send to her for a monthly drawing!) Using proven coachingtechniques that have helped thousands of people,Cantwell is ready to coach you toward success. Together, you will make behavioral changes that lead to successful weight loss and a positive attitude for both a healthy body and a healthy mind.
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