Click Here to see more reviews about: Body Fat Cure: The Simply True Control and Confidence-Building Alternative to Weight Loss Diets (Paperback)
Product Description:
Would you like the "weight loss willpower" that feelsgood and lasts? BODY FAT CURE both shows and tells you how to get itand much more. This longtime field-tested program includes aneasy-to-read book and audio CD. What else?
BODY FAT CURE overcomes what the author's 30 years of experience --helping at least 10,000 overweight adults -- clearly says is the actualroot cause of all the excess pounds adults read books to learn how to lose.People have an entirely unknown and unanswered group of 22 honest [fault-free],but mistaken, thoughts.
It is experience-based rather than theory-driven. No one can truthfullysay, "This is just theory. It doesn't apply to real people or real lifesituations." Or, "I've seen another book that takes the same approachto weight loss."
BODY FAT CURE is accurate. What it explains, so clearly, fits withwhat healthcare professionals recognize as facts.
The program's author makes sure that what you read and hear avoidstelling "politically correct weight loss lies." It is NOT true,for instance, that overweight people should be encouraged to "eatand drink in moderation."
The audio CD enclosed gives fast and easy access to recordings [sixtracks totaling 76 minutes] spoken by the author. They include truly uniqueafFIRMations and self-calming skills that enable you to deeply absorb whatyou read in this book. Listen, for example, at those times when you havehad less control.
Everyone who purchases BODY FAT CURE can go to its Web site and getFREE resources [recipes, self-tests and more] and FREE downloads of updatedbook materials and all six CD tracks.
Buy cheap Body Fat Cure: The Simply True Control and Confidence-Building Alternative to Weight Loss Diets (Paperback) now
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