![Weigh Down Diet [Paperback]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_tpxFkALl3G_mkIUpoX-mbpBo4tJ4NJboXx2eP1aCEs-7WiXTPX_PCfO2rcqy97t9cXPUhT_PoGjeMZ3ILkrF1ifzixOVY7k9ClWhap7xOVsze2zfg6xH0rGioL7ZPQemA=s0-d)
Gwen offers a lot of thought provoking ideas in her book the "Weigh Down Diet". Instead of turning to food, Gwen suggests we turn to God. I really feel Gwen has a lot of spiritual richness to share. I am notsurprised that many are finding success with the program. "Eat whenyou are full. Stop when you are hungry" thats Gwens motto and a soundone. I give her book high marks for reminding us of what is important. I dohowever, have reservations regarding this book. Thin and fit are not alwaysthe same thing. You can be slender and not fit. Gwens suggests that you eatwhatever you want. I agree you can in moderation but I also feel one shouldrecognize that some foods lack nutrients. Though these foods should beenjoyed I do feel that an effort should be made to eat nutritious, lifegiving foods. But Gwen does not seem to feel this is important. How muchyou eat is more important than what you eat, she says. While that may betrue for overall weight loss, it is not true for health. Her sample dietlacks in basic nutrients. There was hardly any calcium for example. And asGwen does not believe in supplementing with vitamins etc. I feel the plancould cause problems in the long run. In addition Gwen supports the use ofaspartame which some studies have shown can cause health problems. Gwendoes not appear to support exercise either. Exercise if you want, she says,but its not going to help you lose much weight. Gwen seems to forget thatexercise helps keep you fit! She mentions that our Grandparents did not setfoot in a gym. And that may be true, but many of them led activelifestyles. Today many of us live asedentary life. Exercise does not haveto be formal (ie done in a gym) but activity should be worked into the dayto stay fit.Exercise is also wonderful for good mental health. Thespiritual aspect of the program is the core of the book. I feel Gwen writeswith her heart but I feel that each individual needs to develop their ownpersonal relationship with God. It will not be the same type ofrelationship for everyone. Gwen has very strong feelings about what Godthinks and what God wants you to do. Her ideas of God demonstratingnegative emotions, such as jealousy etc. conflict with the idea that othershave that God is an all loving, accepting force who supports you no matterwhat.At times I was uncomfortable with Gwens thoughts. Some of what shesaid just didnt feel right to me.But Gwen does not seem to allow forindividuals to have their own feelings about God. This is what God thinksand what God wants according to Gwen and there is no other way. PersonallyI prefer to view God as a total loving spirit that will support meregardless of if I eat too many cookies or not. Overall though I feel Gwensbook shares some interesting thoughts and her idea that too much emphasisis on food not on the spirit is wonderful. I would recommend reading it forsome of the insights she shares. But I would also take heed that goodnutrition and exercise are very important.
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