Another show she planned was cut down before it aired. So, this book is one step in her comeback and attempt at redemption. And certainly it will sell well because people rush to buy this type of book --- and she still has a following --- though not as much of one as she once did.
About the book she says, "It's different and better than anything else out there," She says the Atkins diet is a program that can't be maintained because "deprivation doesn't work." I think we can all agree with that.
She says in her book, "We are a nation of sick, unhealthy people wasting away and mutating into sad, fat, and lethargic people, just getting fatter and sadder by the second. We are an out-of-control nation with out-of-control waistlines. I have noticed that a mass panic is setting in. I see it every day in the faces of people and desperate e-mails from around the country. So many people are tired, always dragging and feeling exhausted. Many are a walking medicine chest, dependent of pills to control everything from high blood pressure to sleep deprivation, and are chronically fatigued and depressed. Others can't climb a flight
of stairs or walk a block without gasping for air. Millions of people are alive, but hardly living."
I find what she said so sad yet so true. I'm old enough to be Jackie's mother. I can tell you that I have more strength and energy now than I did twenty years ago. And it's due to changing my lifestyle in a manner similar to what she recommends. I only wish I would have learned about it sooner.
I was never obese but often overweight. I don't care so much about looking sexy anymore. But I do care about feeling strong and well and having my blood pressure and other numbers where they should be. There comes a time when we care less about the shape of our butts and more about the shape of our health. So some of you are still motivated by looking good. Others by feeling good. And hopefully many of you about both.
My point is, Warner speaks to the root of the problem and to the soul of the reader. She gets right down to the hurt. That sets her apart from others who write this sort of book.
She says she's passionate about "showing people how powerful they really are." That talks to me. I'm all for empowering myself and others and I know from personal experience how great it feels to hit 65 and be able to do ten times what you did at forty five, to be stronger and smarter and wiser. And that's a mixture of physical strength along with self-confidence. This is what Warner teaches. And for that reason, I consider her the top of the lot.
She starts out by telling you why you're fat. That's important. Why? Only when you know why you're fat are you able to go in reverse and start over --- doing the right things that will make you slim and keep you slim. You have to know why you got fat in order to correct it.
Hormones are the cause of fat, according to Warner. "Out of whack hormonesdisturb your body chemistry and cause weight gain," she says. She adds, "When you control your hormones, you can control fat!"
She goes on to say that there are hormones that can make you thin. Here she talks about human growth hormone (HGH). Of course, it's illegal to take the pill HGH. But she discusses ways to get your body to create it naturally --- pretty exciting stuff because HGH is truly the fountain of youth.
She also tells you how to eat to create more testosterone. And yes, that's a very powerful and important hormone for women as well as men.
She says, "The best testosterone diet is a healthy moderate-fat/high-protein/moderate-carb diet --- which is how my nutrition program works." She goes on to say that type of diet creates a hormonal environment that the body uses to burn fat and put on lean muscle.
In discussing exercise, Warner tells the reader to see herself/himself as "an athlete." She says, "When I tell my clients that I see the athlete in them, they actually work harder and complete those last five reps. Your behavior is consistent with your identity."
She hit the nail on the head there. You become pretty much what you think about all the time and who you think you are. She says, "When you look in the mirror, do you see a lazy, fat, out-of-shape person? If so, your behavior will follow to match that identity --- you will in effect act like and be a lazy, fat, out-of-shape person." She goes on to say that if you see your inner athlete, motivated to change, you become that person.
Warner says crunches are worthless. By looking at her famous six pack, I'd say she certainly does her share, however. Those don't come naturally or easily to anyone.
But what she says is true --- they can cause injury after several years of doing them --- if not less. She says it's all about cardio (which, much like myself, she hates.) She stresses doing"power circuit" training to the point of exhaustion. Again, I think she goes a bit off on this. A person can do far too much of anything. Exercising until you throw up or whatever doesn't appeal to me one whit! If you like that sort of thing, more power to you.
Warner allows sugar in her eating plan but not much. She believes that sugar and not fat is the culprit. I certainly agree with this as science backs it. The book alsooffers lots of food choices--including pita bread, pork roast, and yams. Her plans call for three meals and two snacks per day. Two "treat meals" weekly are allowed. You can have any junk food you want as long as it has no more than 1500 calories.
I don't agree with the idea of cheat meals or cheat days. A study in the International Journal of Obesity showed that people who ate a consistent number of calories all week long were 50% more likely to maintain their weight than those who stuck to a stricter plan Monday through Friday.
In other words, if you're strict five days a week and then go on a two day binge or cheating spell, you're likely to put on pounds. Moreover, doctors warn against cheat meals. Even one meal that's not healthy can have ill effects on your heart. This is above and beyond what it can do to your weight.
About the title of the book she says, "I fought very hard for that title."It's inflammatory, but I am tired of turning on the TV and reading diets that are not going to help."
The foods she recommends are easily available and affordable.She suggests you don't weigh or measure. If a piece of meat will fit into your palm "that's cool." Gotta go along with that.
I found the book interesting and some of it useful. I certainly don't agree with it all. I think Warner tends to go to extremes at times and I think she's wrong at times.
I did find Warner's book unique and head and shoulders above most of the so-called diet books or fitness books available. One need not agree with everything to get good from it. Her talk on metaphysics was very interesting and inspiring.
You'll find lots of exercises, complete with small photos of Warner doing them to show you how. You'll also find many really great-looking recipes that should be easy and fast to make as well as healthy. She does suggest, and rightly so, that you use organic food, including eggs. In fact, she suggests two eggs per day.
I found both the exercise and the food preparation sections very good. I also enjoyed the motivational sections. All in all, a very complete book for the person wanting to get in shape.
While Warner does not come across as a caring, compassionate person, her writing makes her sound like one. And people who are miserable because of their weight and the shape they're in need that type of talk. Her book speaks to a need deep inside all of us.
I think anything that will get you motivated and moving is a good thing. This book could very well be just that catalyst for many people. If so, it's well worth buying and considering.
- Susanna K. Hutcheson
Click Here to see more reviews about: This Is Why You're Fat (And How to Get Thin Forever): Eat More, Cheat More, Lose More--and Keep the Weight Off [Hardcover]
Product Description:
"Being fat isn't your fault; staying fat is." That's what Jackie Warner, America's favorite no-nonsense celebrity fitness trainer tells her own clients, and that's why no one delivers better results than Jackie does.Now for the first time, Jackie shares her revolutionary program, showing readers the best ways to drop pounds and inches fast, without grueling workouts or deprivation, and keep them off for good!Her two-tiered approach provides a complete nutritional makeover and a failure-proof condensed workout routine PLUS all the emotional support and encouragement you need to get to the finish line and beyond.With Jackie's core principles, you'll discover once and for all which behaviors are making you fat, and which can finally make you thin forever-and some may surprise you: -ADDTO LOSE:In Jackie's 2-week jump start, no food is off-limits.You'll actually add food to your diet in order to lose weight. -CHEATING IS ALLOWED: Eat clean for 5 days, and then indulge in whatever you want over the weekend! -FAT IS NOT THE ENEMY: Fat doesn't make you fat; sugar does! Nothing you eat should contain over 9 grams of sugar -SKIP THE CRUNCHES: They just build muscle under the fat.Discover the fastest way to burn calories, tone muscle, and spark your metabolism for rapid fat loss -LESS (EXERCISE) IS MORE: Workouts shouldn't take over your day-give Jackie 20-minutes and you'll see results. Find out today why THIS IS WHY YOUR FAT (AND HOW TO GET THIN FOREVER) is your first and last stop on the way to the new fit and healthy you!--This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.
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