The first thing that attracted me to the Eden Diet was the title. I was a little hesitant to even pick it up, because I thought it would be another "Eat only stuff that grows on trees or comes from a plant" type of diet. But it didn't take me long to realize that the Eden Diet is NOT that type of diet. Far from it. I was also concerned that this might be a faddish, junk-food diet. But I was wrong about that too. Dr. Rita does give you permission to eat sweets or other typically "forbidden" foods. The key is eating them in moderation. This diet does not advocated pigging out or eating only sweets all the time.
In my opinion, the previous reviewer who said that Dr. Rita expects you to be really hungry before you eat is just plain wrong.Here is a direct quote from the book. It can be found on page 92, towards the middle of the page.
"Don't go hungry for too long. Eat when you're mildly to moderately hungry. If you wait too long, you may become extremely hungry and overeat out of sheer panic." I don't know about anyone else, but that doesn't sound like Dr. Rita is suggesting that you must be really super hungry before you eat. In fact, it sounds like she is recommending the opposite. Mild to Moderately hungry does not mean starving.
Simply put, the Eden Diet is a sensible, commonsense, Christ-Centered approach to dieting. There are no gimmicks and no fads to be found here. Just a straightforward, easy to implement approach. In the past, I have used the "eat only when you're hungry" approach to eating, and I know it works. But I also like the idea of eating smaller portions. Unlike other diet plans, there are no forbidden foods here. The fact that Dr. Rita is a medical doctor who has training both in psychology and nutrition training from an Ivy League school, gives me confidence that she knows what she is talking about.
This book also deals with important topics like emotional eating, overcoming temptation, and binge eating. Dr. Rita is also very forthcoming about her own weight struggles and how she overcame her own poor eating habits. This book has given me hope. Dr. Rita even teaches the reader who to deal with potentially difficult situations such as going to a buffet or a family gathering. This style of eating does not announce to everyone around you that you are on a diet. In fact, I have found that no one will even know or notice that you are eating differently, unless of course, you tell them. This style of eating can fit into even the busiest of lifestyles easily.
My only regret about this book is not finding it sooner! I wish that I had discovered this book before wasting so much money on other diet books. This is the last diet book I will ever buy.
If you are looking for a practical, simple, Christ-centered approach to dieting, look no further than this book. I highly recommend this book to others, especially those who struggle with binge eating or emotional eating.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Eden Diet: You Can Eat Treats, Enjoy Your Food, and Lose Weight [Paperback]
Product Description:
According to Rita Hancock, author of The Eden Diet, you can have your cakeand eat it too, even on a reducing diet. When you eat your treat in smallportions, without guilt, and in response to true, physical (not emotional)hunger, a little cake goes a long way to satisfy you. Attuning to yourbody's hunger signals also helps you respond to its instinctive call forhealthy food to balance out the occasional treats. Dr. Rita's approach isbased on her Ivy League training in nutrition, physiology, and obesitypsychology, but is reframed in her strongly Christian convictions about howto live the way God intended—physically healthy and free of the culturalobsession with food, eating, dieting, and thinness.
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