Click Here to see more reviews about: The Untold Secrets Of Permanent Weight Loss: (Deception in the American Diet Industry) [Paperback]
Product Description:
'The Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss' Is the first publication of its kind on the subjects of our deceptive diet industry, your specific challenges in weight management, and how to make your next diet your final diet for life. It serves a two-fold purpose in educating the reader. First, it exposes most of the diet industry as the financial predator that it is in our country by outlining in detail how you and I are misled by false information, exaggerated promises, and only 'partial truths' about what it takes to lose weight and keep it off. In this time of 'national crisis' where most Americans are overweight and levels of obesity on the rise, you will learn why, with all the science and nutritional breakthroughs in recent years, most diets, including your last one, failed to give you the desired results. You will discover just how much information is left out and how insulting (to you) weight loss advertisements truly are. Second, it provides you with a roadmap for success in weight management that is as detailed and personalized as it can be without personal consultation. It forces you to extract, from your own mind, the true passions that distract you from food, exposes your faulty thinking that has influenced your past and present, and offers a solution to all the challenges that you face in losing and controlling your weight. On the plus side, you will come away with an understanding that you can and will be successful, even with all your faults and lapses in will power. You will learn that nutrition (food selection) and exercise are truly minor issues in the grand scheme of your life and daily management of your impulses. You will come away with a new, enlightened understanding of your own nature. Finally, you will understand how and why the guidelines of weight management will work for you, and you will be offered real solutions. In your case, nothing will be left out of the equation, leaving you no choice but to succeed.
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