The humorous, self-effacing tone is engaging and the journal-style entries truly make the reader want to join Neris and India on their day-to-day ups-and-downs of trying to lose weight - which they successfully accomplish. There are lots of great and useful tips, too. This book is basically for weight loss support, and it successfully fulfills that mission in an utterly charming way rarely found in other diet books.
This is definitely a book that appeals to women. I don't think men would identify with it at all, but of course the subtitle lays that out.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Neris and India's Idiot-Proof Diet: A Weight-Loss Plan for Real Women (Hardcover)
Product Description:
Ever hankered for a diet book by and for real people--people who, you know, actually have a life? Congratulations: you've just picked it up.
Before we began our diet, Neris and I weighted 434 pounds between us. Our goal was to lose 140 pounds between us in under a year, to go from a size 22 to a size 14. And we did it. If two unusually greedy, cocktail-loving moms can lose this amount of weight without much effort, so can anyone.
This book tells you how two friends did it, and how you can do it too. It's not a diet devised by some bossy string bean who has never been more than 7 pounds overweight, nor by a fat middle-aged doctor, but a real, long-term, workable diet for real people. A modified and therefore bearable low-carb, high-protein way of eating, the diet really works and includes meal plans, recipes, advice on clothes, make-up and hair at every stage from fat to thin. It doesn't include impossible exercise routines or disgusting things to eat. Above all, it gets to the bottom of why we overeat--and shows you how to stop. There's never been a diet book like it--for women, by women, with jokes and useful tips, and advice that is truly simple to follow. What other diet book tells you to pour yourself a large drink at the end of the day, because you've earned it?
"You'll laugh out loud. Reading this book is like talking to a clued-up friend who also makes you feel great about yourself...amazingly frank...the honesty of their confessions exceed anything previously published!" ---The Evening Standard
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