It was mostly the sincerity of Dr. Groves' previous two books that prompted me to order his latest one, sight unseen and not a review in sight.
I was not disappointed.
For those unacquainted with the truth in matters of human nutrition, the contents of Natural Health And Weight Loss will raise some eyebrows.
Yes, Groves is right, if there are any culprits to be found in our nutrients, macro- or micro-, it is the carbohydrates. Notably the refined ones but also an excess of complex starches.
The roots of this book can be found in his 1999 publication Eat Fat And Get Thin but even starchy origins can bring about a veritable treasure, in this case a very practical book. The chapters are arranged in logical fashion and the pages contain a wealth of information and only few bits of clutter.
The subject matter of this is low carbohydrate dieting. Many books have been written on this, starting with Banting's original classic Letter Of Corpulence, to Atkins and other imitations. Like the author, I was inspired by British physician Richard Mackarness whose book Eat Fat And Grow Slim was published some 50 years ago. Written for the average blokes and sheilas (whom Mackarness called Mr. and Mrs. Fatten-Easily), it remains a classic. Dr. Groves attempted to go a step further, I believe. He educates the reader on the complex subject matter and demands a measure of concentration from those who are not well schooled in life science subjects. Yet, lazy couch potatoes and recliner pumpkins may skip the science and use the book as a manual.
Practicing meticulous attention to detail, Dr. Groves leaves no stone unturned in presenting evidence for what he espouses as the diet that will keep humans healthy. Rightlyhe emphasizes the crucial importance of the little known fact that it is FATS that are our most valuable foods and that the correct diet is not high protein but high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate . To the uninitiated, this book undoubtedly flies in the face of current wisdom. The self-appointed guardians of our health (who themselves have had precious little training in nutrition)keep presenting us with the same old faulty diet pyramids in the mistaken belief that adherence will contribute to the good health of society.
Well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding (which is not on Dr. Groves' list of preferred foods) and the verdict is in: The low carb way of eating works!
Once the reader gets into the 15th chapter (s)he will be aware that there is nothing strange about eating high fat, low carb fare. After all, humans evolved on it. A list of diseases is given that appear to have their origin in the consumption of excess carbohydrates and the subject of insulin and glucose excess and the resultant malfunctions are well covered. Groves goes into the limited usefulness of the Glycaemic Index and he provides information for diabetics.
On the basis of the astonishing amount of good information contained in 350 odd pages alone, this book deserves to be read by the Fatten-Easy crowd as well as those just curious.
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Product Description:
Despite the current emphasis on 'healthy eating' obesity is increasing at an alarming rate, especially in children, and chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease are reaching epidemic levels. Barry Groves tells us that this is because 'healthy eating' is anything but that; it is far too high in carbohydrates from fruit and grain and far too low in fats. Unlike carbohydrates, or proteins, fats do not compromise our insulin levels.They keep our metabolism functioning at a healthily high level and they stop us getting hungry too quickly.And they do not raise our cholesterol levels. Based on years of research, and personal experience, this book tells us how to change our diets and what the benefits of doing so will be. Practical and clearly explained, you cannot read this book without realising it is time to change! Contents Part 1: Health & Weight-loss in Practice Let's Get Started; Breakfast:The Most Important Meal of the Day; Eat Real food;Tips for Successful Dieting;The Ideal Diet for Diabetics; Prevention is Better; Dealing With Doctors Part Two:The Evidence Mr Banting's Diet Revolution;It's In Our Genes;The Metabolic Syndrome; Glycaemic Truth; Eat Less,Weigh More? Why Blame Cholesterol? Why Healthy Eating Isn't; Why Your Low-Carb Diet Must be High-Fat, Not High-Protein; Exercise Isn't Necessary; Fat or Fashion? Appendix Diseases Helped or Prevented by the Natural Weight-loss and Health Way of Eating;Adult Height/Weight Tables; Glossary; Reliable Sources of Information; Carbohydrate Content and Glycaemic Loads of Foods; Recipes, Menus and Food Preparation
Also available:
Natural Energy - ISBN 1905140029
Smart Health Choices - ISBN 1905140177
Traditional Herbal Medicines: A Guide to Their Safer Use - ISBN 1905140045
Hammersmith Press is an independent publishing house producing books for the general public and health professionals that promote better health and well-being through a greater understanding of the human body and mind, with a particular emphasis on the importance of nutrition and diet.
Some of the areas we publish in include:
-Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
-Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
-Natural Health & Weight Loss
-Holistic Medicine
-Thyroid Health
-Medical stories
- Healthy eating
-Traditional medicines
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