
Reset Your Appestat: A Successful Program for Achieving Permanent Weigh Control Without Rigid Diets or Strenuous Exercise (Hardcover) Review

Reset Your Appestat: A Successful Program for Achieving Permanent Weigh Control Without Rigid Diets or Strenuous ExerciseI borrowed this book from the library many years ago and was so sceptical when I realised affirmations were a big part of the plan.Still, as diets never worked for me, and I have tried so many, I decided it was worth a try.Then I could prove once and for all that affirmations are useless mumbo jumbo.
I followed the method as advised, scoring points each day according to his different categories to keep me on track.I decided that every "fat" thought, about food, clothes, weight etc would warrant an affirmation too, just to be sure I was giving it a fair chance.
By day two or three I would sit down to eat a normal meal and think, "goodness, do I really have to eat all that?"All my binging stopped, I had no choice in the matter. I was thrilled, no dieting, no counting calories, fat or carbs.No will power needed even at parties. It was an amazing transformation and in the years since I did it I have not stopped telling people about it.Althouth my appetite diminished, I did not lose my enjoyment of food. In fact, I could really enjoy food and revel in it without worrying about it being fattening.
I lost weight for some months, but after borrowing and reading it a few times the book disappeared from the library shelves and I could not locate a copy anywhere.
So the down side is that you have to be motivated to keep doing the mental work and keep your score up or you will slip back, but after some time it should no longer be neccessary to use it as your beliefs should change.Now I have discovered I can get this book on the net, I can't wait for it to arrive, to re-read it, keep motivated and lose the weight.
The up side is that previously I wasted a lot of thinking time worrying and obsessing about food and weight, whereas this method swaps those thoughts for positive thoughts so I felt much better about myself. This has opened up a whole new world where I now know I can change my life just by changing my thoughts (and especially my beliefs), and I have made so many changes in other areas as a result, such as using positive motivation for the kids instead of criticising them. Also the book is the only money you need spend, and that will soon be made up by money not spent on food.
This book is very factual and down to earth, with lots of info about health and fitness and it encourages readers to keep healthy habits. The method is simple and set out well. I now realise that dieting is missing the point, that is why only about 2% keep the weight off in the long term.Change your thoughts, then everything will fall into place.Also, do a search on Ben H. Douglas and you will see he is an eminent professor and surgeon.
So the bottom line is, yes it works, as long as you keep working the program, and believe me, this program is so much easier than having to resist fattening foods.

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Product Description:
Appestat is a mechanism in the central nervous system that controls food intake. If you are overweight and diets don't work, perhaps your appestat is set too high. This book tells how to reprogram your appestat, and it also provides important information on the effects of food intake on life expectancy and life span and ways to prevent premature aging of the body's systems.

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