I have lost over 150 pounds myself and kept it off for over 25 years now.I have read every major best selling book (and many not best selling) out over that time.I have read every magazine/newspaper article in that timeon weight loss. None have compared with this book.This book gives youthings it took me decades to learn by the "school of hard knocks"while it taught me a couple of new things as well.This book gives you thecurrent research findings like a scientist would, however, it gives it toyou in language you can understand (with references) and use.Theconfusion people have as a result of the major names in the "dietworld" (Atkins, McDougall, Ornish, Pritikin, Sears, D'Adamo, etc.) andtheir systems (zone, low carb-high protein/fat, low fat, calories don'tcount, 40-30-30 etc.) which seems like a "Tower of Babel" is madeunderstandable.The various medications and what they do for you includingbenifits and risks are made understandable. They give you information onthe various weight loss programs and support groups available with theirstrengths and weaknesses.They give you a clear understanding of whatworks and what does not work and why(including Websites you can go tocurrently).It gets better - you really do not have to read the wholebook!They give you chapter summaries at the start of each chapter.Ifyou want to lose weight or have a serious obesity problem this book is foryou.If you are a professional who thinks you know about weight loss thisbook is for you.If you are a student or teacher this book is for you.Ifyou read this far I am sure you can see I am thrilled with this book. These authors have done us a service.Money well spent - buy this book.
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It Can Break Your Heart (Paperback)Product Description: A comprehensive yet easy-to-understand review of all fiveof the major factors that cause overweight and obesity: biological,psychological, life-style, diet, and activity level. Explains whydiets and exercise fail over 95% of the time and how the overweightare manipulated by false promises and hype. Shows how medical researchhas already uncovered an astonishing 200 genetic links to obesity andwhy the public and even most doctors have major misconceptions aboutthe disorder. Takes an empathic view of the ongoing suffering of theoverweight and obese in America showing how strong psychologicalissues and addictive behaviors develop. Highly illustrated and fullyindexed with massive resources (and full references) including alluniversity-based treatment programs, surgery options, reviews allmedications used in obesity treatment, and nutritional information onover 1,500 fast foods.

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