
Slim Forever - For Women: Subliminal Self-Help [Abridged, Audiobook] [Audio CD] Review

Slim Forever - For Women: Subliminal Self-Help [Audio CD]I was encouraged by the other reviews of this CD that I read here and thought I'd give it a shot.I was skeptical that just listening to a CD could actually work on my subconscious mind and help me to eat better and less, but I wanted to be surprised and proven wrong.

I listened to the CD almost every night at bedtime for four weeks, and aside from disturbing my sleep for the first few nights, I noticed no effect whatsoever, much less on my eating habits.Maybe the problem was that the messages weren't really tailored to my personal food issues - these messages mention specific food-related things a couple of times, but they're primarily more related to generic self-esteem issues.I did like that there was enough complexity to the text that I didn't find myself reciting it half a beat ahead of the script, but the messages are still consistent.

Track 1 is an introduction to the CD with publisher information and stuff that you might find in the foreword of a book.Track 2 is a deep-breathing relaxation exercise (which I found to go too fast to allow me to actually take deep breaths, but I have big lungs).Track 3 begins the main text, and I think tracks 4 and maybe 5 are set at points within the audible text.The second half of the CD (tracks maybe 5 and 6) is pleasant enough music (though largely unremarkable) with a sort of breaking wave sound underneath.I'm assuming that's where they somehow mask the messages, though I couldn't distinguish any speech consciously.The entire thing is about an hour long.I don't know what the whole "abridged" notation is about in the item description, as the length seems comparable to the cassette version.

So, it's probably not going to hurt you to listen to this CD, but there's nothing to say that it will definitely help, either.For the price, it might be worth a shot, and buying it used makes it even more worthwhile to at least try.I'll stick with trying to get back on my formal healthy eating plan and keep going to Curves, though.

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Product Description:
It's a scientific fact: subliminal persuasion works.Now you can lose weight anywhere, anytime--without dieting.Play SLIM FOREVER on your CD player as you dress in the morning, travel to work, or when you want to unwind.Just listen to this gentle combination of soothing relaxation techniques, soft music, and persuasive affirmations and let your subconscious do the rest.Soon you'll discover a new inner energy that will burn off pounds quicker and easier than you ever dreamed possible--and keep them off forever!The key to success is in your mind.

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