In Mind Your Own Wellness, Ong accumulated an immeasurable quantity and quality of information regarding nutrition, psychology and human nature, biology, disease and aging, the food industry in the U.S., stress, wellness, self-esteem and wealth.He shaped this information and presented it in the most positive and accessible manner imaginable.In doing so, Ong has given us a great gift that far exceeds the price of the book.
No short cuts to increased energy and confidence were provided.Perhaps none exists but that is probably for the good since we're prone to stress ourselves attempting to find solutions using shortcuts.The focus is on the way we think coupled with solid information about food and the world we inhabit.Lessons from this book make us like quarry that escapes the prey (debilitating diseases and painful conditions) because we've learned to run (eat the healthy foods and avoid the truly unhealthy foods).
The brilliance of this book is in its approach.Ong uses his background in martial arts and philosophy to direct us to change in positive ways.He teaches us to see pain in junk food, for example, using these techniques.Imagine seeing pain in unhealthy foods.That's something this book did for or even to me through its descriptions of how junk food affects the body and ends up causing physical and psychological pain.Ong decodes messages of food industry advertisements in a way that greatly reduces their power to influence the mind, what he calls junky food voices.Two inner voices are revealed, the healthy food voice and the junky food voice.These inner voices are always in conflict as they compete to influence our choices and behavior.Once we understand these voices, we can begin to deal with them in a calm and far-sighted manner.
Mind Your Own Wellness is organized in a way that makes it a page-turner yet touches all the bases in the quest to live a better life with a focus on the effects of all types of foods on the human condition.Many thought processes in this book, which seem packaged to get into long-term memory with the least resistance, are life-changing even in isolation.Instructions on how to drink water include temperature, timing, quantity, association with other variables, and type were profound.Protein sources and their affect on calcium contradicted my cherished beliefs.Breathing fundamentals increased my awareness of my current stress levels.Organic apple cider vinegar was a big surprise.The section on labels got me immediately looking at labels of food items in the house and made me understand that food labeling, while extraordinarily valuable, is a political construct."No trans fat per serving" means there may be trans fat if you have more than one serving, for example.The financial gearing within simple food choices took me well beyond the reasoning that I had worked out on my own.I am certain any individual will find subjects covered that even in isolation would make reading this book worthwhile.
Not wanting to sound gushing in my endorsement of this book, I've actually held back.I've ordered this book for family members as gifts and will keep mine to review chapters from time to time.I highly recommend Mind Your Own Wellness.
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Product Description:
"...I strongly recommend Mind Your Own Wellness to all who care abouttheir health. It is easy to read and to use as a reference book. Itshould be on the bookshelves of every parent. The greatest benefits ofgood nutrition, stress relief and exercise come from adopting what is inthis book early in life, yet at any age one can benefit." --Foreword byRussell L. Blaylock, M.D. - Board Certified Neurosurgeon, Lecturer andAuthor of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills
This book contains priceless, hands-on tips to help you get yourweight back on track again. It gives you full control over yourthoughts, the choices to improve your health, and the chance to reduceyour weight, as well as your aches and pains, NATURALLY.
You will discover:
* 1) The GOODs or BADs of 14 Common Things that you eat and drink -including Milk, Sugar-Free Foods, Fat-Free Foods, and more...
* 2) How your Inner Junky (Junk Food) Voice and Inner Healthy Voicedetermine how and what you eat.
* 3) How to reduce your weight without diet pills and starving.
* 4) Ways to improve your health; plus, increase your confidence,energy, and productivity naturally.
* 5) The key to keep those unwanted pounds off your body for good,one step at a time.
"Mind Your Own Wellness is healthy living 101. Read it from Cover toCover!" --Marci Shimoff - Author of Happy For No Reason
"Mind Your Own Wellness is an unique and easy to use eatingstrategy. Natural health shouldn't be difficult, and Alex Ong has done awonderful job of outlining effective tips for how to eat better and getover cravings." --Alexandra Jamieson, CHHC, AADP, - Holistic HealthCounselor, Starred In SuperSize Me
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