It's unlikely that tons and tons of people are all experiencing a similar psychological effect.It's possible, but if that were true, I'd expect that some other fad would have been able to produce a similar widespread effect long ago.And if it is true, then so much the better, and the people who can't reproduce the effect, should move on, and appreciate that it does seem to work for many.
I also think the theory behind why the "diet" works is interesting, but not completely validated.That is, while it seems to work, perhaps the reasons why are wrong (more likely, that the theory isn't totally complete).I think they make intuitive sense, but it may be there's some other factor that differentiates some people, and makes the core idea not work for them.
But I think the most common reason for this not working is probably due to misunderstanding the idea.I've seen the same few mistakes made over and over:
1) Not understanding the diet, and not following it properly.When it passes by word of mouth, for example, many people will try extra-virgin olive oil instead of extra-light olive oil (ELOO).
2) If you're already on a diet, and go off that diet when you start this one (or relax your old diet in any way), you can pretty much guarantee you're going to gain weight, at least in the short term, because your caloric intake is likely to skyrocket, even w/ the appetite control from the ELOO / sugar water.That's what you get when you start eating a lot more junk than you're used to.
3) Shangri-La will make you less hungry, but it is ultimately up to you to eat less.It's clear in the book that you still need to restrict your caloric intake, it's just that the ELOO / sugar water, when used properly, can help on the appetite, making it easy to self-restrict your caloric intake.If you have some psychological need to always eat what's in front of you, even when you're full, then you may not eat any less, and you won't lose any weight.
Personally, I do have a bit of a psychological tie to cleaning my plate, especially since I paid for the food and want to get my money's worth.I'm working on that, but what I've tried to do is make sure that I put less food in front of myself to begin with.For example, there's a pizza place a few blocks from me that sells pizza by the slice.When I first started the diet, I'd get two pieces, and would end up hungry pretty soon after.A week after starting the diet, I went into the pizza place.I decided to eat one slice, and then only get the second slice if I was still hungry.I wasn't, so I left, and didn't get hungry again the rest of the day.If I'd have ordered two slices, as normal, I still would have eaten the second slice, and never would have restricted my caloric intake on the meal.
I'm still working on this.But I have found that within a week, I was able to reduce my calories by half from before starting the diet, without any real hunger discomfort (certainly, when I get hungry I eat).That doesn't mean I always take in half as many calories, mainly because there's still the psychological aspect of cleaning my plate!I've had meals where I really wasn't hungry at all a couple of bites into the meal, but I still kept eating, because I'd paid for the food...
All in all, I'm aware of this issue, and I'm still keeping the calories down, and losing weight, totally without hunger.I think I've got room for improvement, but it is coming down to concious choices.I think I'm appealing to my desire to get the most for my money by trying to order less.For example, I can now generally either eat an appetizer or an entree... I don't need both.I just pick the thing that looks best.
Hope this helps.
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Product Description:
Psychologist and professor Seth Roberts has spent years analyzing why most diets don't work. A maverick with a curious mind, and a yen for self-experimentation, he started by asking a simple question most experts haven't tackled: What makes us feel hungry in the first place?
After scouring the scientific literature and tirelessly testing various theories and practices,Roberts hit upon a simple, effective strategy for controlling the body's internal "set point"- that is, the thermostat that controls weight gain or loss. The solution was counterintuitive: By taking two daily servings of either extra-light olive oil or plain sugar water, he took control of his appetite, with astonishing results. Roberts lost thirty-five pounds in only three months, and he has kept it off for five years. Since then, others have replicated these results, and formal clinical trials will soon be under way.
With the publication of this unique and groundbreaking book, Seth Roberts's program will be available to anyone who wants to lose weight-a little or a lot-and keep it off. TheShangri-La Diet includes specific instructions for tailoring the program for individual needs and goals, as well as expert tips, variations, success stories, and an illuminating explanation of how Roberts devised the diet and why it works so well.
A diet program simple enough for anyone to try, The Shangri-La Diet has the potential to radically change the way we think about weight loss-and deliver remarkably easy, sustainable results.--This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
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