
The Pritikin Edge: 10 Essential Ingredients for a Long and Delicious Life [Bargain Price] [Hardcover] Review

The Pritikin Edge: 10 Essential Ingredients for a Long and Delicious Life [Hardcover]Well, life "tastes" the best--you can just enjoy it, be here for yourself, for others and if you're reading this, you probably are wanting to "save" yourself or other loved ones.Don't get into fear--the diet, let alone going to Pritikin, is not torture and deprivation, you'll not starve at all, you'll fill yourself up on people nourishment and fun!You'll laugh, you'll smile, you'll entertain and tell stories and you'll discover that miracles can happen, your health can be improved or restored. You'll regain your confidence in yourself, you'll walk tall.You'll be back in control and in charge but you won't have to be some dictator to all your rebellious voices so much any more, those voices that say to you that you deserve all the fatty meals, ice cream and cookies or just the normal toxic diet that most Americans eat every day of their lives, the wonderful meals your mother cooked for you (sorry to the well intended moms out there, don't think they had Pritikin in those days). Those voices, to the contrary, will become your buddies for they care about you in that strange manner and ways they've interacted with you over the years. I've been to "Pritikin" ten times over the years.I owe my life to these folks, the principles.Am not "fixed" or "perfect," in fact, I keep going back for a tune up and reinforcement. Yet, I have no doubt that my life has been greatly extended and same with countless others.I have witnessed this, seen so many times with my eyes, heard with my ears the transformations that Pritikin has made in the lives of so many.It is not torture, being there is fun.Learning is fun.Well, the "diet" is not a diet, it is an education, learning to start a new lifestyle within what you already have.Trust me, you'll like it.The staff is great and, I'd have to say, the guests keep me coming back.They are usually somewhat older and sort-of-like-me are either there because they've hit somewhere close to their bottom (and want to live!) or just because they are now so healthy thanks to Pritikin that they keep coming back--it's a great vacation (believe it or not--consider believing it tho) there.Buy this book.And, better yet, buy the experience (and the book).Hopefully, I'll see you there at Pritikin and by the way, I'm single, and available,lol, so hope to see you there and we'll dance!

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Product Description:
We Americans may reside in the greatest nation on earth, but our lifestyle is killing us. Onequarter of us still smoke, two-thirds of us are fat, three-quarters of us don't exercise, and stress and depression are ubiquitous. We wolf down oversize portions of fast food in minutes and boast of not having taken a vacation in years. We get misinformation like "olive oil is healthy" but then get fatter because drizzling three tablespoons of oil on a salad adds as many calories as two scoops of premium ice cream. Despite all our advances in drugs and surgery, obesity and the diseases it causes have shortened life expectancy; this is the first time in history that children can expect to die younger than their parents.
The Pritikin Program was the first comprehensive lifestyle program in America, and after fifty years on the cutting edge of lifestyle science, it is still the longest-running, most successful program for reversing many of modern society's diseases, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. What sets Pritikin apart from the myriad of other diets is that its program is based on real science. Pritikin doesn't make random claims or base advice on half-truths or fads; Pritikin's effectiveness has been proven and documented in more than 110 scientific studies.
You've picked up this book because you want to change your lifestyle, improve your health, and live longer, and with the program in these pages, you can start reversing the effects of years of unhealthy living today.
Here you'll find the ten simple lifestyle ingredients that will change your life. Stick with them and you'll lose weight without feeling hungry, your energy will surge, and you will look and feel healthier and stronger than you have in years. Included are more than 75 recipes for flavorful and healthful dishes, detailed meal plans, and tips for dining out healthfully and happily. You'll learn what kinds of physical activities are most effective and how to make the most of your time on the road or in the gym. You'll get sets of simple exercises you can do anywhere that will make you strong, help you shed fat, and keep you toned. The real science of lifestyle and heart health, from fat molecules to heart attacks, is described in accessible terms, and popular diet myths are debunked. You'll find out why lowcarbohydrate or other fad diets won't help you lose weight in the long run and why they won't improve your overall health.
The Pritikin Edge gives you the real facts so you can take control of your health and add years to your life and quality to your years. Once you begin living with these principles, you'll wonder how you ever lived any other way.

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