
The Martini Diet: The Self-Indulgent Way to a Thinner, More Fabulous You! (Hardcover) Review

The Martini Diet: The Self-Indulgent Way to a Thinner, More Fabulous YouDon't be fooled by the title, "The Martini Diet" by Jennifer "Gin" Sander, is not a version of the drinking man's diet. Instead it's a truly delcious way to lose weight!

The Martini Diet consists of 3 very simple rules: Rule #1 - Eat only the very best. Rule #2 - Eat somewhat less of the very best and Rule #3 - Eat the very best only at mealtimes (ie no snacking). According to Gin if you follow these rules the pounds will drop.

Personally I have tried a number of methods to lose the baby weight I gained (and baby is 14) from questionable supplements to lo-fat foods to food combining to Weight Watchers. I would get very hyped on these plans only to discover that none of it worked LONG TERM. You see, I like my comforts and that includes chocolate, wine, good bread, etc. So I just couldn't stick to programs that didn't include these goodies or that encouraged eating fake foods that made my appetite increase!

Gin's book teaches balancing pleasure with moderation. If you give up the fake, tacky foods like processed cheese whiz, and diet nutrition bars and lo-fat fake cookies etc. and if you eat real food in modest portions and don't snack much if at all, you can lose weight. And you will LOVE the process.

My dinner last night was a simple piece of grilled chicken, corn on the cob (no, you dont have to give up starches..just eat them in modest portions) and asparagus. Washed down with a glass of zin and chased by a piece of rich dark chocolate. What could be better?

I love Gin's book because of the refreshing way she writes. She entreats you to become a food snob and turn your nose up at the twinkies and boxed scalloped potatoes. You are too good for that. I love the way Gin tells you to treasure yourself and indulge in the very best.

However, there are a few things that bothered me about the book. The first is though Gin implores you to eat "REAL FOOD" she confesses she has a penchant for Slim-fast. Though Gin tells you to "LOVE YOUR FOOD" she then shares that she enjoys Slim-fast because, "it gets that morning meal out of the way". Huh? What happened to enjoying your food? She also includes recipes at the back of the book and a few include questionable ingredients like soda pop.

Despite the few inconsistencies, I give the book top ratings because of the core message. Gin's message is to "Spoil Yourself Thin". This will help you get out of the weight loss means depriviation and punishment mode. She suggests you treat yourself to the best food. When you get a craving, pamper yourself by beautifying yourself instead of eating. You participate in exercise you love instead of killing yourself at workouts you hate.

By now you may be wondering why the title, "The Martini Diet". This is because Gin suggests you indulge each day in a glass of wine or martini for the health benefits and pure enjoyment. She also gives simple techniques to figure out your portions sizes by using a martini glass. Nifty!

Gin admits she is not a scientist or doctor. She is just sharing what works for her. So if you read around the inconsistencies and stick to the core of what she is sharingyou will have fun with the book. Gin wants you to enjoy your life and losing weight can be a pleasure if you follow her tips.

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Product Description:
There's a yet another new Harvard study out that shows that regular moderate drinking can lower your risk of heart attack. This study, which followed 40,000 men for twelve years, found out that those who drank one or two alcoholic drinks 5 to 7 days a week lowered their risk of heart attack 30 percent. (Women also benefit but they must weigh those benefits against the risk of breast cancer. Still, far more women die of heart disease than breast cancer.) Similar studies show that caffeine is good for you, as is red meat and salmon and red wine and anything dipped in olive oil.
The truth is, good food and drink is good for you. So why deprive yourself? Think of the most self-indulgent people you know the ones who never miss their morning lattes and their evening martinis, dine at the best restaurants, hire personal trainers, indulge in weekly massages and facials. Odds are they're as thin as they are spoiled. This book will uncover the reasons why some of the most indulgent people are also the healthiest (like the French Paradox, which explored why French people can eat so much rich food and drink so much wine and still be thin and have low rates of heart disease).
So spoil yourself thin with The Martini Diet. Inside you'll find all the ways in which you can indulge yourself and get into shape at the same time. Not only will you live longer, you'll have a heck of a lot more fun.

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