I can't tell you how much money and personal emotion I've wasted on the new high protein and low sugar diet books that everyone is buying now. These scam books all enabled me to drop about 10 pounds, but then I'd gainit all back and end up depressed and miserable. Thank God for 1001 SimpleWays to Lose Weight! It is slower going at the start, but after a few weeksyou really do start to lose lots of weight. You pick and chose strategiesthat you like and then you slowly make them part of your daily routine andit's the ONLY thing that really does work! I lost over 90 pounds and havekept it off for a year now. I can't tell you how happy and healthy andenergetic I now feel. If you're truly serious about losing your weightforever, then look no further than this awesome book.
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1001 Simple Ways to Lose Weight: Proven Tips for Losing Those Extra Pounds-- And Keeping Them of (Hardcover)Product Description: Written with the help of a panel of experts and based on the real-life success stories of more than 1,000 people, this practical and encouraging book gives dieters "hands-off" solutions for any weight-loss crisis they'll ever have.

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