
Winning by Losing [Mass Market Paperback] Review

Winning by Losing [Mass Market Paperback]Jillian Michaels, the tough-talking personal trainer of the Red Team on "The Biggest Loser", brings her no-nonsense personality to this diet and exercise book.Not another "just eat less and move more" tome, Jillian actually acknowledges that there is an individual approach to losing weight, and that no correct way will work for everyone.
I have watched both seasons of The Biggest Loser, and I thought of Jillian as an abrasive woman who never had a weight problem in her life. I thought that she was tough on her "clients" because she looked down on them for being overweight. After reading her book, I have changed my opinion.

In the first section of the book that focuses on Self, Jillian states that she had a weight problem that had emotional roots (like mine), and that she had to value herself first, and then loose weight.In the next section, Science, Jillian demonstrates how to "crunch the numbers" to help us understand how our body works in relation to weight loss. Next, she goes on to explain the different ways that we process foods. Using this information, we can tailor a diet to suit our bodies.I learned that I was a "slow oxidizer", which means that I need 65% carbs, 25% protein, and 15% fat.This explained why I could never loose weight on Atkins (no low-carb craze for me). In the last section, Sweat, Jillian gives us the benefits of exercise as well as descriptions of various exercises (weight lifting).

This book is great, and not another typical weight-loss book. Utilizing common sense, knowledge, and, perhaps most importantly, a no-gimmick point of view, Jillian explains, encourages, and talks tough when she has to.

Keep telling it like is, Jillian. And thanks.

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