I am very surprised by the negative reviews of Trudeau's book. Amazon's suggested tags have words like "fraud" although this book has mostly positive reviews. I have read Dr. Simeon's original manuscript and I am currently taking HCG that I received from a licensed physician. IT WORKS! I feel great! I have lost 20 lbs in 3 weeks. I've got 3 weeks to go. I would also recommend this book because it's more streamlined than Trudeau's - although I think Trudeau's book is helpful because of the in-depth analysis of dangerous toxins in our body.It's not about weight loss but rather fat loss! I've lost inches and reshaped my body. I found a doctor that prescribes HCG in Aurora, IL - I live about 40 minutes away. I only had to see him twice. Once for a consultation and then for a two week follow-up. I know that everyone isn't comfortable with the idea of a self-injection. Trust me...I'd take this over popping pills anytime. It's quick and painless. I took Phentermine years ago which is FDA approved.It was prescribed by my primary care physician. The experience is like night and day. I had insomnia, dry mouth, jitters, etc. - it was awful and I loss the wrong type of fat.My face was drawn and I looked tired.I have had absolutely NO side effects with HCG!
Anyway, my HCG doctor was referred by a colonic therapist I found online. Colonics are important too but not absolutely necessary for success. The honest truth is that very few people can actually follow the 50+ suggestions in Phase 1 of Trudeau's book - but that's NOT the point. The point is to make some of the changes so you can live a healthier lifestyle AFTER losing weight on HCG. There are things I will absolutely NOT do since reading this book - like eat anything with High Fructose Corn Syrup or MSG or trans fat. I also ensure that I workout daily and I don't eat out much! Shopping at Whole Foods may be more expensive but the cost has been offset by preparing meals at home! One of the greatest benefits is that I'm no longer drinking alcohol and eating sugar.I would suggest that you Google "Sugar Dangers".
I don't understand how can anyone claim that a hormone (HCG is a hormone not drug) is dangerous (it's actually used as a fertility treatment) and yet they poison their bodies with High Fructose corn syrup, trans fat and bovine injected in cows.Not to mention all the man-made chemicals in our food and toxins in our cleaning supplies.Dr. Simeons graduated summa cum laude - he's brilliant. This is HIS protocol - not Trudeau's.This protocol simply builds on what I already knew - refined, processed foods are bad for you. If it doesn't come from a plant, animal or fish - you're body doesn't need it!
UPDATE 10/27/08- I wrote my initial review after about 3 weeks of HCG injections.I have now completed Phase 2 - I loss a total of 31 lbs and I'm into my second week of Phase 3.I must admit that Phase 3 (no sugar/no starch phase)is more difficult than Phase 2 because I'm not sure what to eat. I know not to eat sugar or starch but you're supposed to consume a minimum of 1500 calories and that's difficult for me because I'm not all that hungry and I am fearful of gaining weight.That said, I am going to follow the suggested menus in this book and I'm going to begin daily exercise.Having the HCG Weight Loss Cure Guide is crucial in completing this protocol because it is easy to follow with eating charts and food journals.
I am very pleased with the outcome thus far.I can finally fit all of my clothes again.It's been an entire year since I last wore my favorite jeans. I am planning on doing one more round of HCG just to give myself a buffer.I have to say that I really don't want to lose more weight but I'd love to lose a few more inches off my midsection.The great thing about the HCG approach is that although I weigh 146 lbs., my clothes fit better than they did when I weighed 135 lbs last year.UPDATE 03/10/09- I just completed a second round of HCG.I lost 27 lbs. I would recommend that you do NOT start this protocol in September because you will not finish Phase 3 (the 2nd 3 weeks) until the week of Thanksgiving.This was the mistake I made last fall and I gained weight during the Holiday season as a result.In addition, please adhere to the "Steak Day" if you gain more than 2lbs in one day. I failed to do this.It's much better to complete this protocol in the spring or summer months when you're most active (exercise is crucial).Actually, a great time to start is the month of January.As I've stated previously, Dr. Simeon's protocol works great for losing weight. I cannot say that it "resets" your metabolism.If you immediately start eating an abundance of highly refined, processed, inorganic foods, you will regain the weight.This is because of reasons explained in metabolism book I recommend below. Times have changed quite a bit since Dr. Simeon's days.I would suggest that you IMMEDIATELY start Phase 4 or some lifetime plan after completing Phase 3 (three weeks no sugar/starch, followed by three weeks low sugar/starch). Please follow the Phase 3 menus outlined in this guide.They are great!!I was reluctant at first because I thought I would gain weight but I didn't.Peanut butter, apples and trail mix are quite yummy.
If you start Phase 4 (your lifetime phase), you should immediately begin a weight training and cardio fitness regimen.This will help rebuild muscle.
Don't go back to your old ways of eating!Our genes can't handle it. Try to prepare meals at home as much as possible.I know it's difficult because I love going out to eat.The problem is that you don't know how your meal is being prepared (or exactly what is being prepared). Not to mention to temptation of bread and alcohol. If you have reservations about Kevin Trudeau, then read the book "Ultra-Metabolism" by Dr. Mark Hyman.It basically states the same thing (with meal plans) - like the importance of whole foods, supplements, herbs and exercise (plus saunas) in maintaining a healthy weight.It's more scientific which is quite helpful as Trudeau spends a lot of his time ranting (although understandably).
If you follow the recommendations in "Ultra-Metabolism", you will have no problem maintaining your weight loss.I can't necessarily say the same thing about Trudeau's Phase 4 because it's not an actual meal plan.The nice thing about the HCG protocol is that you lose weight quickly so you are naturally motivated to maintain your new physique.There are tons of books on gluten-free and sugar-free desserts if you love sweets.Losing weight with HCG is the easy part.Maintenance is a different animal.I am currently reading "The Raw Food Detox Diet" and "The Complete Beck Diet for Life". You really need a plan you can follow for life!I can't stress that enough.Whatever you decide, just make sure you can stick with it.HCG is for weight loss but not maintenance!I would also recommend Paul McKenna's book "I Can Make You Thin" because it teaches you how to think about food differently. The Beck Diet Solution also addresses emotional eating. Have a great spring and summer! Most of our challenges are emotional and until you deal with what's eating you, all the protocols, detox plans and recipes in the world won't help.I'm running an 8K at the end of March which is a great way to kick off the season!
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Product Description:
The hCG Weight Loss Cure Guide is a guide to Dr. Simeon's Pounds and Inches, which is the base hCG diet Protocol described in Kevin Trudeau's newest book The Weight Loss Cure "They" Don't Want you to Know About. Discovered and documented after decades of research by Dr. Simeons, the 'original' protocol promises a short term plan with long term results--a full copy of Simeons' Pounds and Inches is included in the appendix. This guide is the complete 'How To' in laymen's terms from start to happy ending. For most people, this can make the difference between reading about an extremely complicated and expensive diet protocol (as presented in Trudeau's book) and executing an inexpensive, simple protocol detailed by the physician who developed it (Dr. Simeons'). The guide includes non prescription ordering, mixing, storing, tips, menus, charts, and everything else you need to successfully lose the AVERAGE 20 - 30 pounds in about a month.
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