I am the coauthor of the book, Diet Liberation, SaraLynn Mandel. Not sure why Amazon says the book is out of stock, but feel free to contact me for a copy, slmand@aol.com. The book is easy to read and has unique "food/eating exercises," not available any where else to help you benefit from the idea that many others use in their weight loss program, of not depriving yourself. I used the program updated in this book back in the late 70's when I was a graduate student at the University of Washington.Without dieting (diets make me eat more!) I lost over 30 lbs.I kept it off until recently and I'm using the principles to lose the weight again.But I no longer eat compulsively.I'm older (and two boys later) and find the metabolism and activity levels have decreased so I have gained back some of the weight (more than 30 years later!).I am working on a version for children/teens.I'd love your feedback.SaraLynn Mandel.
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Diet Liberation : A Guide to End Compulsive Eating for Permanent Weight Loss (Paperback)Product Description: Diet Liberationtm is a break-through program to end compulsive eating by providing tools to rediscover food and eating preferences.Guided Experiencestm, such as "the chocolate experience" give the reader "hands on" help in learning to distinguish foods that internally "hum" from externally "beckoning" foods.Say "good-bye," to dieting and bingeing and "hello," to eating freedom and permanent weight loss!

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