While I do not object to the descriptions of other reviewers, I have to disagree about the overall evaluation.There are too many oddities and unclear descriptions and graphs.For example: in the classification of carbohydrates in chapter 2, the table (2-1) does not line up with the text in terms of the treatment of fiber.Many will be surprised to learn that athletes do not really need any extra protein (chapter 16).The energy pathway graphics for diabetes in chapter 20 has arrows that point off to nothing and is very confused (using the same type of icon to represent processes and effects, for example).For that matter, the entire discussion of management of diabetes would be near useless for anyone actually trying to understand how to help a patient.It has too many platitudes about various good things that should be done, without any explanation of why those things are hard to do.
More fundamentally, the book often presents conclusions without explaining (to some degree) the underlying mechanisms.It also (as in the protein discussion regarding calcium loss with excessive protein intake) indicates that some effect can occur, without indicating the any quantitative information about when it will start to occur and how much of the effect occurs.
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Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy (Paperback)Product Description: Textbook examines the basic principles of scientific nutrition and their applications to health and disease. Includes new case studies, clinical applications, appendix, and a CD-ROM containing a database of more than 2,200 foods. Previous edition: c1994. Four-color format. Softcover.

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